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In the flood of HR Tech, is your HRIS ready for 2021 and beyond?
Managing your workforce can be both a treasure trove of opportunities and a continued struggle, especially with the global pandemic at rise.When it comes to delicate situations as drawing out the best from people, leaders have to strike the right balance between data, technology and human engagement in the era of a digitally enabled ‘experience and engagement economy.’ Strangely, in spite of all the technological improvements , there is always room for something simpler, better and more engaging
What has got you here isn’t good enough to get you there, and here’s why:
Change may be the only constant, significantly in the tech industry with improvements being made every minute. With HRIS too, no matter how big a solution has helped you in your productivity, it is always a good time to pause, do a quick check and fine-tune where necessary. So is your system ready for 2021 and beyond?
Let’s see if you're in the need of an HRIS Makeover?
Not all HR professionals are experts in the technical nitty-gritty, and it’s not necessary to be so too. So instead of getting carried away with technical jargon to evaluate your HRIS solution, let’s start with a simple yet practical evaluation to see if your HRIS is smart enough to go 2021 and beyond.
- Have you received any complaints by your employees, managers or even potential candidates regarding the user experience of your career site, website or internal portal?
- Is there a mobile application available?
- Does the smallest tasks such as updating addresses or applying and approving leave take the longest time?
- Do all aspects of the HRIS go in line with the modern context?
- Do you feel that your HRIS is not what it used to be, and does it need more than just a regular update?
- Do you waste time on managing performance evaluations that seem outdated by the time the entire process is completed?
- With multiple security threats are you confident in your data security?
Seems like you face these issues ? We can help.
If the answer to any of these is a ‘ YES’, then it’s high time you consider an HRIS makeover for more than one of these reasons.
- In the digitally evolving corporate world, the very basics of performance, performance analysis and performance measurements are evolving.
- New functionalities need to be integrated, in order to prevent your most flawlessly implemented cloud HRIS going out of date and out of context.
- We are in the era of D3M. Where data driven decision making fuels the experience of employees, customers and stakeholders. Your HRIS needs to have the capability to capture real time data from multiple sources across various systems for a seamless experience, enabling better decision-making and a personalised experience.
- With multiple integrations taking place, there is a greater liability towards data security and privacy as employees are aware of the rising concerns
- The millennials and Gen Z give more prominence to experience and engagement rather than the pay, at what level does your HRIS give prominence to this?
- How well does your HRIS respond to emerging opportunities? There is an impact on the way employers need to manage and nurture, train and retain employees. Especially in the ever changing word of latest technologies, data management, AI, VR and virtual workspaces.
Likewise, PeoplesHR is an HRIS that is constantly evolving with it’s time, with 1 base end-to-end HR functional scope, 9 version product roadmap and 10 times greater capacity handled by an organisational database. It is important to future proof your HRIS to go beyond the short term goals and deployment to reach the long term value, keeping in mind the need to balance data and technology with the human elements of engagement and experience.
Interested in a live demo? Get in touch with our team and we are happy to help.